Michael Clapper Studios

Michael Clapper Studios


Website: https://www.michaelclapperstudios.com/

 (303) 521-2044

   6505 E Colorado Dr, Denver, CO, 80224

Dear Committee,

I feel that public art is a way of communicating the core emotion or essence of any given place or situation. What public art can, and should be, is an engaging piece of art that educates and-or evokes an emotional response within the context of the given site. Above all, a successful piece of public art will challenge the viewer with alternative views, surprising the viewer with a fresh look into the meaning of the host site.
Having completed over 35 public art projects around the US and abroad, I strive to produce bold visual gestures that evoke reactions at a glance; imagery that makes a visceral connection upon first sight. A secondary level of interest is also important to me. This may include representational imagery, text or light that the viewer discovers after approaching the work, or after a period of contemplation.

Michael Clapper