Tom White, Monumental Bronze Sculptor

Tom White, Monumental Bronze Sculptor

Bas-relief - Fountains - Other - Sculpture - Visual Arts - Monumental


 (800) 320-9201 or (928) 777-7733

   13770 E Mingus Vista Dr, Prescott Valley, AZ, 86315

I believe the character of a person’s heart is written in the lines of their face. In the sculptures I create, I seek to capture the subject and the emotions that were, or are, the driving force behind their actions and deeds. I also try to embody at least one of the five following tenets in the scenes I create:
• a sense of Community – the respect and fervor with which we serve each other;
• a sense of Heritage – bringing the past alive in a way that embodies the future;
• a sense of Family – the hope, faithfulness and constancy we find in the ties that bind;
• a sense of Honor – for those who serve, protect, defend and lead our nation, in our communities and in the world in civil, military, educational, non-profit, political and ministerial capacities; and
• a sense of Faith – hope, belief and faith in the true purpose we were created for that lifts us beyond ourselves and our own capacities to reach out to our fellow man in serving others through the gifts endowed by the Creator.